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How to Load Your Vehicle Safely for Container Sea Freight

It is especially important that your vehicle is properly loaded for ocean freight since items loaded in your vehicle could damage parts of your vehicle.

  1. Chairs, wooden & hard objects should be kept away from fragile & soft parts of your vehicle like the windshield, windows, leather seats & dashboard.
  2. Do not overload your vehicle as it would damage the shocks & suspension of your vehicle during the 30 days freight period.
  3. Since most vehicles are hung in the container, a hung overloaded vehicle would cause heavy items inside the vehicle to shift and either break your vehicle glasses or damage the insides of your vehicle.
  4. Always provide enough room for a driver in the driver seat.
  5. Provide for the driver seat to be adjusted back, so please don’t load items that prevent the driver seat from sliding or moving backwards.
  6. Remember not to load items around the shift lever and front center consol.
  7. Remember that the ship that carries these containers rock side to side in the ocean so all items loaded into your vehicle must be braced so that they don’t move or slide around within your vehicle and cause damages within your vehicle.

Please note that Impex will not be held responsible for damages caused by bad or poor loading of your vehicle.

